Aa Harvey

The thought beetle

The thought beetle.



There is a little thought beetle deep within my mind;

He is going around, searching for a rhyme.

He digs out my unconscious thoughts

And helps me to write another line.

When his work is done, he hibernates

And I sit back and smile. 



The ladybird flutters around inside my head;

She is in search of the pages, I haven\'t written yet.

She zips and darts, flitting from here to there;

She is always in a hurry and she is a nervous wreck. 



The worm is just turning another corner, in my brain\'s maze;

He\'s having a look around, to see if there\'s anything I need to say.

Anything I forgot to mention; he will find what needs to be said.

The slowly moving worm is lazy, but he is useful in his own way,



(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.