BANJO and Blue Grass

like a hand in an old glove

essential to both !


VIOLINS  in the

hands of Children ~ can be Hell

Maestro ~ it\'s Heaven !


BAGPIPES  are best played

over the hills ~ far away

in Scotland ~ the Brave !


DOUBLE BASS ~ problem 

to carry on the TUBE etc

best to leave on stage !


BRASS harsh and too brash

OK in Yorkshire on\'t moors

the sheep all join in !



in an orchestra ~ but not

in Church on Sunday ! 


Thanks for reading ~ comments welcome ~ BRIAN XOX


In Liverpool we were exposed to every genre of Music

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra ~ Barber Shop ~ Two

magnificent Organs ~ Jazz ~ Blues ~ Folk ~ Country

Choirs and then the BEATLES ~ the icing on the cake.

My favorite instrument is the Classical Guitar and my

favorite Piano Piece ~ Chopin\'s Revolutionary ~ BRIAN