
My younger years

What would it be like to be 22 again?

because I had the best time of my life when

I gave up modeling and partying for family,

And became a full-time student and mom then.


You know I wouldn\'t change it for anything!

My young twenties were such a blast!

And I worked my way through college.

Oh! How time goes by so fast!


How I loved (and still do) to go out and dance.

I\'m usually one of the first few out.

I must admit if a slow song comes on

and my husband doesn\'t dance, I will pout.


Dancing is great exercise. And I can dance to most anything.

I remember being so young and gents would ask to dance with me.

It was so exhilarating meeting and talking to new people.

I will always cherish my twenties. Happy memories most entirely.