Inking Feather

The Rose



The rose is a beautiful flower

One with many lively colors to choose from

But some wonder is the beauty released is worth the price

With the thorns being in and on everyone


We all have our own set of thorns that keep us from being ourselves

Whether it is our insecurities or our feelings

We all have the rose inside us waiting to bloom

Waiting for us to be ourselves


The rose is waiting

So why let your rose be dried out and taken away

Why let your rose lay dormant for so long

Your rose is ready whenever you are


Your thorns are blocking you

Don’t let those thorns incapacitate who you are

These thorns could be the people you are around

Your thorns are ready to be taken out


So whenever you’re ready

Take out your thorns

Allow your rose to bloom

For your rose holds the beauty to you