Heartbreak is $30 mascara smearing down your face onto pure crisp 40% polyester and 60% cotton white pillow cases. With the thought of the boy who was suppose to be yours , ravishing other females bodies while yours is home and lonesome.
Heartbreak is sobbing and gagging on a bathroom floor because the 18 year old you fell for would rather drink poison and lust after girls that aren\'t you than stay home and actually be with.. you.
Heartbreak is feeling your stomach drop and your pulse quicken when you remember that he said he wanted you and only you, the same night he broke his loosely made promises.
You see, heartbreak is when you haven\'t been happy in a while and some crooked teeth, low jean hanging, future marine, comes along and blows your mind and heart to pieces. Shattering any shred of contentment that was placed in your body when he arrived and made a placement.
heartbreak is that boy wanting forgiveness for unforgivable acts. Saying the feelings he has for you when he is sober will stay like that.. sober. Heartbreak is not being able to trust words, because actions lead to the exact opposite.
\"I was drunk\" is poisoned thoughts running through his impure mind. With messy hair and lips plump and salivated from a young girl.. who is not me.