
Depression, Disappear.

I am never happy
The only thing that brings me happiness I have lost forever
The one chance we had I fucked up
Every time I start to feel better
And begin to pick up all of the pieces
Of the broken me, they all come crashing down again like waves crashing down on the rocky areas
He broke me, yet I still love him
How can I love someone who has hurt me so much
I hate that I love him
I don\'t want to because if I didn\'t then it wouldn\'t hurt as much
He makes me hate myself
He makes me wish I didn\'t exist
He make me not want to be alive
What\'s the point
If I wasn\'t here then I wouldn\'t have to experience all this pain
If I wasn\'t here then I wouldn\'t have to bother anyone with my complaints
If I wasn\'t here then he wouldn\'t have to feel the hurt of being the one responsible for breaking me
He wouldn\'t have to hurt every time he heard me cry
He wouldn\'t have to hurt as he watched how much I\'ve changed because of the pain he has put me through
I am affecting everyone\'s lives in a negative way
So the simple solution is to just