LADIES & THEIR PETS ! ~ Seven Micro Poems



NATASHA\'S best friend is a SNAKE

A bright yellow PYTHON called Jake

She blushed bright red ~ when it slid in her bed

Which didn\'t amuse her Husband Fred !


LOUISE is a tease ~ her pet\'s a GIRAFF

Which always makes her neighbors laff

His head sticks out of the bathroom window

Whenever she gives it a baff !



A pet she keeps secret ~ I do declare

I saw her cat ~ when I went to her flat   

But I\'ve never seen her BARE !


Ruth wanted a pet that exotic 

And small enough ~ to fit in her pocket

Her husband granted her every wish 

And bought her a bright colored TROPICAL FISH


GLORIA\'S pet is  a neighborhood thrilla

A seven foot hairy black GORILLA !

She confessed \"It really bangs my Gong\"

When I get hugged by my own  King Cong !


PENELOPE  wanted a big cuddly DOG

To take on walks ~ she loved to jog

In case she felt faint (she was very learned)

She bought a big kennel ~ then a SAINT BERNARD !


ANGELA  if you\'re choosing a PET

Never consult your local VET

He will always suggest a DOG

Never a LIZARD or even a FROG

Because DOGS have the biggest Vet bills yet !


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Hugs BRIAN


It has been pointed out that my Poems are too

Structured ~ too Serious and too Scientific ~ so

I consulted my Mischievous Muse ~ I Hope this

posting redresses the balance ! Please let me know.