
Why can\'t I stay?

Why can\'t I stay?

When will the pain go away?

when will the burden you can\'t see,

be taken from me?

Will it ever go away?

Will the pain always stay?

Will I ever be free,

from what imprisons me?

I just want to stay

I don\'t want to go away

it\'s not okay

It\'s getting hard to handle

i weep like a burning candle


It\'s hard being me

i want to be free


you get to meet new people they say

but I don\'t want to today

not today, not tommorw, not ever

I like my friends here

they work fine for me


moving was fun for awhile

and then I moved here

i made great friends

and met a cute boy

(we may go on a date!)

but then I will move

and Leave them behind


\"there are many fish in the sea\"

yeah, so?

i\'ve met enough for me. 


I\'ve always said moving fine

pretened it doesn\'t hurt

and they believed me


of course it hurts!

just look past my fake smile

don\'t you see?

i\'ve cried myself to sleep

wishing we\'d stay

dreading the move

11 months away


my friends here say

\"we have a year left, that\'s plenty of time.\"

but they don\'t see it like i do

they time flies by fast

just wait

youll see

and they\'re will be 

the less happy me


by the time I have to move

the year has felt like weeks

its gone by too fast

we couldn\'t make it last

it was a blast 


but now I\'ll just cry

but not where you\'ll see me

ill cry myself to sleep

with my cat there beside me

and in the morning 

I\'ll look

as happy as ever


why can\'t I stay 

when will the pain go away

when will the burden you can\'t  see 

be taken from me?