Faith Mingle


What\'s the use of having a voice if you won\'t listen.

I\'m just wasting my breath away to make my argument known,

But my claim will never be understood anyways.

So what\'s the use if you don\'t listen,

Since you will never understand, I rather become mute.

I don\'t want to listen to your lectures

More like comparison game

Two can play at that game

You always lose, but always insist you are correct.

Makes me want to become deaf

Stop touching me as if we are close.

Stop strangling me.

Stop threatening me.

I want to strangle you with my two hands that are used to play music to comfort me.

But you use my hands to play this music as a sport.

Since you do this, I\'d rather have my hands cutoff.

My legs are useless since I can\'t go anywhere.

I should cut them off also.

You say that I\'m fat. In fact you gave me a nickname ever since I was a child, toddler perhaps. If I\'m so fat might as well cut off my waist.

You nasty hands continue to pull down my pants and grab my butt cheeks.

I don\'t need them either.

I don’t need my butt.

My brain is too stupid for you,

Because my grades aren\'t good enough for you 

So take out my brain also.

You always complain as to why I am so ugly.

Cut out my face

You seem to always want to strangle my neck.

You hate my neck

Cut it out too.

Rip everything apart and just build a robot.

Rebuild me piece by piece into your perfect slave.

Your perfect machine.

Your perfect robot.

No longer a useless human being,

But instead, the perfect robot you’ve always wanted.