
.Long Poem To Drain Out The Passing Days.

Two of the most dangerous things.

\"Nothing comes of nothing\"
But how much of this is true
If this \"Nothing\" that we talk about, represents the means of you.

And what if Nothing was a feeling.
With sounds.
One touch.
A place.
I know that this Nothing gives me reason,
to Escape.
Not specifically from the place,
In which my physical body lies.
Eager to leave,
Even more so to say my last goodbyes.
But the construction of the second person deep within,
This second controller,
That bares my pain,
My fear
My love..
My sin.
My hatred and worry,
This time from even deeper within.

So Nothing.
How does it make you feel?
Making \"something\" out of you.
Out of me.
Felt like you have done your deed?
By tarnishing all my emotions.
My way of thought.
My passion.
The heart that now can never be bought.

And now I hear of love and laugh
Coz that kinda of love
Is nothing more than a farce.

\"I love you\"
Commonly used words
But what do they actually mean..
When they are said,
or confessed
To the opposite human being
To you?
Are they just words.
Sounds that can be said and heard.
Sounds that ultimately mean
Again we come right back to this.

Nothing gets eternal bliss from my

Or maybe it\'s just me.