A T M O S P H E R I C S ~ An Acrostic



A TMOSPHERE ~ Transparent pure and clear !

T HE layer of Air protects us from

M ETEORITES ~ gamma rays ~ alien bomb

O NE fifth\'s OXYGEN ~ helps us respire 

S EVEN NINE NITROGEN ~ helps stop fire !

P LEASE  never take fresh air for granted

H 2O ~ CO2 ~ Plants we\'ve planted

E VERY PLANT needs gas in atmosphere

R EMEMBER to keep it pure and clear !

I LOVE to breath the pure Mountain Air

C ITY AIR ~ SMOG ~ is bad I declare

S O  don\'t be obscene ~ KEEP YOUR AIR CLEAN


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Pure Love  BRIAN


We do rather take the Atmosphere for granted because its

invisible and free !  If we had to buy OXYGEN it would cost

us thousands of pounds each year. Some CO2 is essential

for PHOTOSYNTHESIS but it is worrying that it has doubled

since the Industrial Revolution as well as ACID GASES like

SO2 which cause acid rain. TRUMP needs to recognise that

GLOBAL WARMING etc (due to Greenhouse Gases) is not a

Chinese Myth it\'s Kentucky Coal ! \"Making America Great

Again\" could destroy the planet. We are all responsible for

keeping the ATMOSPHERE as clean as possible. Energy

from the SUN causes the WIND which keeps the Global

Air Composition fairly constant ~ BUT ~ it redistributes 

the pollution a well as the life supporting OXYGEN. Your

HEAT is another MAN\'S poison ~ Be GREEN not OBSCENE !