Poetic Dan

What did I see

 The storm came in from a far, with all its brilliant power I just watched, reading poetry, playing guitar just gazing in awe!

Not many thoughts deeply pondered, just reading and engaging with a different kinds of vibrations and frequencies on their works of art.

Then a thought hit me, the car windows were open, so  I jump up; I a.m. to close them. While doing this the dog pops out, so I positively reward as he come out in the middle of a hundred storm. Looking at me after a rub for good boy, square in the eye with a next directional movement fixed to the Horizon. \"Well if you want that as your reward, I\'m up for walk.\"

I close the door the rain is getting harder, I\'ve only got my biker gear on and flip flops, but the dogs up for it and I\'ve not done this in a very long time, if I can recall it at all.

5 minutes in, at the end of the block I can see the sea front between one gap of the building, the lighting is just flashing all around me. The rains getting harder I\'m not dressed for this, I\'ve only got my dressing gown hoodie, now it\'s too wet and my hair is soaking it up

Back at the front door, the dog can\'t wait to get in but I\'m feel the electric vibrations on the edge of my lips. Thinking of urge to stand in bare feet.

I close the door standing in bear foot, the rain is pounding my Hair is in my face and the wind is blowing it on and off, as I try not to blink watching speech and thought less but feeling the raw power in all of its splendours magnificents.

Closing my eyes I draw in a few breaths, holding, then releasing smoothly.  A big bolt hits over head it felt so good but the bang made my heart race, I keep them closed trying to low my rate and another came right away I didn\'t know where, and that was kind of fun.
Leaning on the door seeing only in my mind I watched and listened with even more magical moments to transpire.

 Light flashing making shapes then fading, one felt like it followed the lines in my eye, next a line to my nose, then all the way from my eye to my stomach I felt a Light go. Then back to flashing of pictures, one looking clearly like a face, I\'m getting soked and batterd all over the place but this moment should not be missed, there\'s not a show every day.

I pushed off the door, still not opened my eyes, thinking what if I had no shelter or clothes. As the next flash hits this is no lie, an imagine I saw; of a full person, arms out wide with head down, my first thought \"it\'s me\" as it faded away, I grasped a breath waiting for the next but it was not to bright, then a blinding light came from the right; a car with headlights on full beam and I turned around  unavailable to keep my head where it was.
Then realised I was wet through and wanted to write this all down,  then go off to bed hopefully to replay what was the most unforgettable show from mother nature that I\'ve now watched and seen from a different perspective than I remember.