kevin browne

Begging Down on Broken Knees.

The deafening cries from the loneliest place a heart could be
Stood alone for it is the complexity of life that showered down
Revealing in the matrix why there are never any shadows about
When it\'s a curse for the thought to enter into oblivious darkness
Death caught alive the existence in which trouble really began
There are no words in this life below and above the creations
So walking across a trap invented by the invisibility that\'s seen
Darling buds of May shattered by some storm where it has been
Visions galore in the responsibility which takes away the freedom
Fighting against the soul saying it\'s not as true as it really should
Creasing over on the floor with the imaginations of crazy ideas
Let the things happen and understand where it all develops from
Winning on the flip that isn\'t there until the penalty has scored
A light bulb is switched on then there may be something else
Crucified by the way language causes too much anguish and hope
Care enough for the mind of the greatest magnitude can rise up to
Begging down on broken knees one more time for believing in it
Hoping stories would tell a different side if it appears to be true
And then the confusion involved which was hiding so far away
Fires are burning on the edge of the idea that will it ever go out
Travelling into a cultural way that separated pieces of what is new
Forgiving emotions twisting up inside where there really isn\'t any
Pleased about the life of living for it is a sin not to realise that 
Merciful depressions that ride along with the greatest violence
In fixing the teachings of medical assistance for mental confusion
We invented the mind as it grew into the biggest problem of all
In praying for the lesser of amounts that only God can perceive
Useless as it seems when a river dries up because the rain failed
Determination confronted religious faiths when a prophet died
Reading the books left for dead the vision took on the toll too
Everyone shedding tears for believing in Jesus Christ that spoke
Lost when we swim into the uncharted area of never seen before
Stretching imaginations one day when we are convinced it\'s over
Relishing in that fact of nowhere left to run except in your hearts
That finishing writing this has made a hole for something to see
Grace the humans who aspire into the people that make it right
For we dream of the things we want when we all say good night.