

What makes a house a home?
Is it the neighborhood?
What about a big garage,
Or nice floors?

What makes a house a home?
Is it the number of
Cars in the drive way?
The size of the bedroom closet?

What makes a house a home?
Energy efficient windows
And a new roof put on
Within the last year?

Red brick exterior and
A fireplace? A privacy
Fence and a shade tree
In the back yard?

No. A home is defined
By the memories
Made under that roof,
Inside those four walls.

A home is made by every
Bandaid applied to
Every scraped knee obtained
On the back patio.

A home is made by every
Bed time story told
In the dim glow of
A nightlight.

A home is made by every
Sweet embrace shared
With the love of your life,
As well as every bitter tear.

A home is made by every
Fight or argument
And how we always make up
No matter what.

A house becomes a home
When the people inside
It decide to make it one.
We are what makes our house a home.