nancy akbari

To Attessa on Her 42nd Birthday

To Attessa on Her 42nd Birthday

         July 25, 2017


How did it get from then to now?

Where was I as it passed?


I remember yearning to sleep through the nite

Without you waking me for my breast

I remember yearning to talk with my friends

Without you interrupting and making demands


I yearned for a lazy morning, I could read a magazine

Without having to change your wet sheets to clean


I remember yearning that you could  bathe yourself

So I could be doing something - anything else


I remember yearning that I could go out without you

Without you melting into a fit of tears


I remember yearning for the day that you could drive yourself

To your sports, after school clubs and friends\' houses


I remember, I remember, but in between those days

I adored and loved you and yearned for you to stay

At the age that you were, on each given day


And when the days that I yearned for were finally at  hand

I yearned that those days had not come to an end

And knew if I could

I\'d do it all again