
Ethereal Medicine

Swirl reversal
mosey in eddies
within the prolapse of
Dini\'s surface
a wiggled jovial hog,

magma particles rumpus
on the cadmium criterion
of quilted Minamata swings
distorting mercurial mineral manna,

holographic shaman tap waltzes
down the cerebrospinal goop
of arterial lateral sclerosis puppets
collapsing ovulating oospore,

into the sable marrow
of corrosive dust
giggling sparrows of dusk,

lineage trumpeters
masticates desiderata epilogue
stroking trident whimpers
severing the vapor
of searing anon\'s,

rhumba into the
cackle crackled
shrapnel fragments,

sparking cell deterioration
waggled absinthe
cerebellum acuity,

crystal healing diuretics
procurement of canary

dwell a spell in
post-traumatic grabber wells
epoch sails into the Faustian
schisms of putrescent
jail fails,

placental kilowatts
stem vacuole on target cyan
ergo your mumble of aplomb
Confucius bedlam.


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