
Glass Half Empty

I pour myself out for
Those that I love.
My enchanting wife and
Two beautiful daughters.

I give my all to them.
I give my all for them.
Working until I can feel
The cogs in the wheel of my mind that
Once turned so fluidly
Begin to rust with the monotony of
The same routine.

I feel as though my glass is half empty.

And day after day I return to
My family with a smile
On my face.
A hello kiss to my wife,
An endearing embrace
And play time with my two

Yet, I feel as though my glass is half empty

But in those precious moments
With the ones I love, I can
Feel true happiness.
I can feel the oil can
Of love as it greases those
Cogs in my mind until they
Turn once again with that familiar fluidity.

Maybe my glass is half full after all.