
Oh, the dishes you will do!



Lucky you, little one! Oh, look around you. There\'s the kitchen, decorated all in blue.

The cabinets full to bursting with pots and pans and plates and bowls--so many things to use…

So many dishes for you to do!

My yes, the future is vast…oh, the dishes you will do!

There will be chores when you are young. Washing the plates and cups after you sup,

There will be dishwashers to load,

Plenty of glasses to behold…

Oh, the dishes you will do!




If there\'s a Fiesta in your future, you may do red plates or blue plates,

New ones and those with old dates,

Really! So many dishes for you to do!

My yes, the future is vast (and coming fast!) ...oh, the dishes you will do!

Feeling plucky? Well, if you are really lucky,

You\'ll even get to do your fancy wedding finery,

And the glasses from the winery…

Oh, the dishes you will do!





Dishpan hands? Not for you, sweet Sue,

The newest liquids are full of lotions and potions, to keep your hands looking young and new…

Oh yes, so many dishes for you to do!

Look at that, the future is fading fast…oh, the dishes you did do!

Perhaps you really have measured your life in coffee spoons, and cups, too…

Oh, the dishes you did do…