
To Be a Father

For me this isn\'t something that will make since when I\'m older

It won\'t make since no matter what I experience

I will never undergo this trial or privilege

I will never exist in that role


But I observe these men called fathers, even if they have yet to become one

I learn that they are judged more times than they see the purpose

For an approved father, there is no doubt man is made in Gods image

For their qualities are too powerful for a leveled human


The beauty in him is far greater than the beauty he sees

Some don\'t realize their worth to their family, expressing their life as undeserving

But some have the strength, protection, support, and love so breath taking

The father that has the type of love that he dives into every word I say

is the man I feel so superfluous compared to the others he made


The man to be my head and the father to mine 

will be just like him

I will feel constantly weak

I will always not be enough

I will never deserve him

But his love will be extreme

His skill to be a father will hurt


This man I look to as my father is who taught me this kind of love

Who showed me whom a father should be