
I think I\\\\\\\'m hearing voices in my head

Beyond repair they said
A prisoner of my own mind I know I am

Call the police, dial 911 before I pull the trigger 

My head keep banging against the wall
Trying to dance to the tune of sanity

Can somebody help me
Will anybody actually care
This soul tormenting lessons craving in

Ten thousand men in my head 
And the music keep getting louder


Dedicated to belittle me, this voices keep wearing me down daily

Night time I see a man with thorn clothes giving me the ugly smile
The smile so ugly it could ignite anger

The night has come, but the soul is restless
Drop dead like a lost puppy I fear for myself 
Deep down in thought, I stare through my window
I could see no one

Call the police
Call the police
All this in my head 

I look back, there was no one
I pick up a pen and wrote this down 
\"I think I\'m hearing thousand voices in my head\"