Light is not so easily found
Even harder when you aren\'t looking
I know it is easier to give into the dark
But when that string of light is found
Hope starts to restore
I am guilty of being guilty
Holding every little thing above my head
But hope is not found in the past
So forward is where I must look
And hold those who support me close
At times I will bleed
I will feel broke beyond repair
But then and only then the fight begins
To prove all wrong
That life exist beyond the dark
And broken can be fixed
Broken may not be easily fixed
But when has easy been enjoyable?
Do you get satisfaction in only making sound
Or when you conquer a mountain no one has?
When you feel close to death
And all hope is lost fight
For I will fight beyond this
And break my cycle
Of running circles in the dark
I am tired of being tired
Angry that I am always angry
Sad that I am always depressed
But I do nothing I no ground to stand on
And reason to move forward
So I say I will fight for what feels impossible
To have another sunny day
To move mountains when I feel I can only move hills
This life needs to be taken
And not begged for
Life is not made to given
But taken
And held high on top of the highest mountain
When you have the high ground
No one will take your place
That is when you stop being a number
And you gain worth in yourself
And what you have