Accidental Poet


Laugh often

And laugh hard

At the insanely ridicules

Even if strangely bizarre


And if you should

Suddenly lose control

If you get hysterically unstable

Remember to drop and roll


I’ve often heard it said

That laughter is the spice of life

The perfect antidote

For everyday emotional strife


Even before they speak

Babies know to laugh

From just the word of “Boo”

To playing with water in the bath


Of the world’s many languages

Laughter is universal

Everyone understands it

How ‘bout some group rehearsal


And when tears of laughter

Flow like rivers from your eyes

You’ll try to gain composure

Then suddenly wonder why


You may even laugh

At the mere sight of someone’s giggle

Or a phantom sneaks up from behind

With covert knowledge of where to tickle


Yes my friends

Laughter is contagious

To its hilarious pull you must give in

For man has laughed since the dawn of ages


Copyright © accidental poet 2013