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I wanna see the world
But through a different glass

I wanna close my eyes
But never sleep

I want to stay In this moment
And never progress or mature

I don\'t wanna move forward
But going forward will only bring joy

It\'s the hard joy
The one that\'s earned from suffering

The reward might be plentiful
But is it worth it?

I wanna live
But not like this

I want to be happy
But happy requires pain

Life isn\'t fair
But it\'s like that for everyone

I wanna sail the ocean
But skip the waves

It seems I\'m always sinking.
Never floating. Only making it half way
Then hitting the cap

The ship won\'t sink
And if it does then I go down with it

But what if that\'s what I want....

But that\'s okay
I will just have to swim