Fay Slimm.






Wet as brown pebbles elderly faces
daily parade, jackets held
tightly below capped heads, woolly
clad chests, dogs on leads
lifting up legs or stooping as nature
dictates mature carers fully
prepared, black bags at ready bend
backs low poop to retrieve
then tidily tie before binning leave
no sign of spoilt beach
or footpath, recognize as they pass
en route other pet-lovers
willingly doing just the same thing.

In heat or cold wind nods exchange 
recognition as seniors plod
onwards, regaining a sense of lost 
value by homing a dog,
at times be-draggled rain-walking
owners will offer a smile
despite inclement skies or ageing 
bones as canine exercise
gives reasons for outings that may
never be otherwise taken
yet become vital to stay-at-homes
when sharing life with
          some four-pawed, fur-coated pal          
whose pleasure trips
                  become a much looked-for aspect                 
for folk who love-smitten

      are having to live out the remains      

of their days all alone.