
The Trial of Forgiveness

I told you:

\"Mess me about, you\'re blocked like hair in a sink.\"

Mate, you\'re left on the table to dry,

Kind of like quill ink:


Mate, you\'re done,

By my curiosity, you got busted!

I saw you with him,

And like furniture, you were, being dusted.


And to the other one...

How dare you speak my name,

You’re as skinny as a rake.

Mate, listen to me,

You\'re all potato and no steak.


If Adele was me, the song would say:


Do you hear me?

I\'ve got better things to do,

Other places to be.


Looking at my reflection,

the thought of you two is bringing me down...

Then I see something shiny in the corner of my eye,

Oh yeah, it\'s my Crown!


The crown reminds me, 

I\'m better than this in every way,

And guess what,

At the end of the day...


I wish you every happiness.

I\'ll go on dreaming of Angels.

Sometimes, it takes every ounce of effort to be the bigger person.