
Gracious Giftings

Tune: Westminster Abbey

(\'Christ is made the sure foundation\')

Ephesians 4 v.11 - 16


Some now are apostles, prophets

And some are evangelists

Here too be pastors and teachers

Studiers, learners, researchers

All for perfecting, maturing

Of the saints in everything


And too for work of ministry

Gifts given to each one, see

And for edifying, build strong

Body of Christ, mighty throng

Not small army, but victorious

Through what Christ has wrought for us


Gifts continue until all come

To unity of faith, one

And in unity of knowledge

Of God\'s Son, each encourage

Until perfect man of Christ formed

In each one, our hearts are warmed


\'Tis the measure of the stature

Of the fulness of Christ sure

That we grow to, shall attain to

He will strengthen each, renew

So no more we children, but grow

Into Christ, and more Him know


For no more we children, deceived

False teaching s we have perceived

But now speaking the truth in love

With grace of the Spirit, Dove

We may grow up into Christ all

He our Head, we hear His call


So a body whole and glorious

It shall be the church, \'tis us

We His people each take our parts

Contribute our lives, minds, hearts

Thus as each part fully functions

God anoints with His unctions