
A Person is a Person

A Person is a Person
a person is a person no matter their size
whether they are small, petite or eight feet high
a person is a person no matter their color
black, white, or grey everyone came from the womb of a mother

 a person is a person no matter their orgin
there is no difference concerning the place they were born in
a person is a person, all with a beating heart,
two eyes, ears, nose, mouth, each body a work of art
a person is a person, no matter their job
or their car, home, or even their dog.

people look different, that is a fact
but get passed the stereotypes, open your heart just a crack.
see that a person is a person no matter what you see,
but the only things that matter are what’s hiding underneath,
under the makeup, the fronts, or what is advertised,
under the fear of being different in someone else’s eyes,

if everyone’s heart opened just that little crack,
we can all understand that a person is a person,
that is the fact.