Ariel Perez

You are Loved

❤️||These days everyone\'s claiming they have nobody and no one loves them, then who are the people who stand by your side everyday and ask you if your fine. Everyone just assuming the ones who ask really don\'t care, but hey that isn\'t fair. You don\'t know what\'s hidden behind their doors, no ones life is squeaky clean and neat. Who are the parents who give you what you want and need. If they didn\'t care, why would they give you time at the fair, why did they let you cut your hair, why do they let you be with your friends of who you say you \"don\'t have\", why did they let you live they life you wanted to and let you dye your hair? Why would hey spend all that money and time on you if they didn\'t really care? Everyone needs to understand life isn\'t a fairytale but live it well as you live only once and appreciate the things that only happen once. People forget the ones who actually care because they are so caught up on what others life is like and thinking other people\'s lives are better than theirs. Live in the moment not a day dream, because you\'ll truly only realize how much everyone/everything truly mean once it\'s out of reach||❤️