Accidental Poet

Time Is The Real Poet

I’ve often said

Poetry lives within us all

But from within

Some don’t hear the voice that calls


We listen to our hearts

For our inner voice to speak

We write down the words

Here and there a little tweak


Our efforts may prompt a smile or two

Landing us in the spotlight

But it’s not the glory we seek

And glory is not why we write


The source of our words

Certainly from deep within

Carried outwardly on conveyer belt

The inspiration for a poem to begin


Poetry is about listening and speaking

All through your heart

Where it goes to and comes from

That’s how poetry got its start


Fear not the eventual writer’s block

Sooner or later, it’ll visit you

With patience the words will come

And you’ll be a poet too


I’m no more a poet than you

Maybe just farther along

For time is the real poet

Weaving the tapestry of a life’s song


Copyright ©  Accidental Poet 2013