
How can we eliminate violence with non-violence?

How can we eliminate violence with non-violence?

Anger bursts and bullying, oppose clear perception, sanity and silence…


The violent man claims his rights: “it’s my right, my land, my security, my property my my my”.

His subconscious says:“ you don’t give me  attention. I demand it. I impose my force, I’m not shy”.


A conductor brings beauty & harmony to the orchestra with his magic notes and mysterious moving hands.

Which harmony recipe conditions will bring “live and let live” to make our bodymindspirits understand?  


History shows violence was originated since the beginning of humanity,

Non-believers say:” don’t expect too much, just  another form of continuity”.


Maybe im naive, but I would like to think, that one day,

Insights will light earth and there will  be a new way.


Creativity and sport will be the path to let out frustrations,

Dialogues and harmonic vibrations will awaken realization,

that we are all in this together, temporary beings. let\'s heal expectations,

and start new era of respect to people’s life choices, live and let live, and remove aggression.