
Light Leadings

Tune: Buckland

(\'Loving Shepherd of thy sheep\')


Wait a while, here meditate

The Lord will come, not be late

He with us, e\'en dwells within

Heals, forgives, cleanses from sin


Though things needful to attend

To each day that life does send

Help us know your Spirit sure

Residing in us e\'ermore


What be in the deepest part

Of your sanctuary, your heart

Let not surface vain matter[s]

Inner peace disturb, shatter


Where words lessen, silence falls

God\'s still small voice to you calls

Not confused by outward noise

Nor distraction that annoys


Offering to Him our lives

Not complex plan He contrives

For us, but His purpose, will

Continue to show us still


Forgive Lord, us penitent

You your grace to us have sent

May we draw from your love sure

Be guided by conscience pure


Troubles real, yet small compared

With the blessings you have shared

Of future glory to be

Heaven with you, perfect, free


Take me on a step with you

Grant me graces, me renew

Earth-bound longings put to flight

All be lived here \'neath your sight