
Start Living

Ignorance is the cruelest enemy we could ever face

Unwavering and invisible, leaving no trace

Succumbing our minds to the latest trends

Need this, need that, need to fit in, needs have no end


You may be walking, talking, and breathing

Regardless, you are a ghost that\'s simply aging

A phantom being lied to and molded for others greed

Blank and empty, no ambition nor flame, dreams recede


No one else can ever kindle the fire in your heart

No one else could ever show you where to start

No one else can ever reach out for you in the dark


Will you be a sack of skin and bag of bones

Waiting til the day you\'re a forgotten tombstone


Because for you

No one else can feel the sunshine

No one else can see the shadows

No one else can hear the screams

No one else can start living