

You made me cry,

And every tear that fell I caught,

Trapped them in a bottle and kept

In case you ever needed some water.


You hit me,

Left marks upon my bare skin,

And every bruise and cut and graze

I covered as best I could so I would still look pretty for you.


You called me names,

And for every ‘bitch’ and ‘slut’ and ‘idiot’

I tried to be nicer, more innocent and better educated,

So that I would be good enough for you.


You left me,

Stormed out the door one night and never came home,

And for every cold night I spent alone

I left the door unlocked so you could return if you wanted to.


I took your abuse,

Mental physical and emotional,

Never blaming you

Because I always thought I was at fault somehow.








It’s been exactly 1 week.

I don’t cry as much,

I dried my tears and smashed the bottle

Because I realised you drink from a different fountain now.



It’s been exactly 1 month.

I did not cover up today,

I let the last of my old bruises show

And I look beautiful.


It’s been exactly 6 months.

Today I spoke my mind,

I wore a short skirt to a club where I made a stupid decision

And got told by a girl in a bathroom that I deserved more than this world could give.


It’s been roughly 4 years.

Along the line somewhere I lost track of the exact dates of our history,

You see life has been most hectic recently

And I have new dates to remember.


I took your abuse,

Mental physical and emotional,

And I blame you for all the times you caused undeserved pain

Because I realise now I never wronged you.


I have little time to write these days,

I’ve lost my flow a little now my energy goes into being a wife and a mother,

And though I will never forgive you for the pain you caused in our broken house

I just wanted to thank you for the home it lead me to.