Ariel Perez


Silence...the only point in time that hasn\'t disclosed us... We rely on silence as we are left as mysteries as people make hypotheses that will discriminate us as we are now hiding... Silence... The only thing that keeps us from the grip of man kind... We won\'t whisper.. we won\'t speak.. We will depend on silence so we escape the closure of definition that refines us.. Silence.. The only thing we can escape to as we are now scared to lose our fight that is burning us up inside and now we are trying... trying to leave what we are defined as.. now only we are able to see the truth that\'s hiding underneath these lies that people have built to keep theirselves alive... Silence... The only thing that doesn\'t need maturity as we now only need remedies to fix our bones that have been cracked and we rely on silence so nothing else would need to be recited
We need silence

      -Ariel Perez