
Prosperous Plans

Tune: Aberystwyth

(\'Jesu lover of my soul\')

Ephesians 1 v.3-10


Blessed the God and Father be

Of our Lord Jesus Christ, see

He has blessed us here with all

Spiritual blessings, [we] recall

Blessed in heavenly realms now

In Christ this is so, \'tis how

It is thus in His wise plan

Salvation to every man [all mankind]


According as He did choose

Us in Christ, that none should lose

[We were] Chosen before [the] world was found

Here we stand upon this ground

That we should be holy here

And without blame, He is near

Our place [is here] before Him in love

Strengthened by the Spirit, dove


He has predestinated

Us to Him, His adopted

Children, by Jesus Christ we

According to His will be

His good pleasure and good will

[Is] That we praise His glory still

[The] Glory of His grace, where see

Accepted in beloved [are] we


In Him we have redemption

Through His blood, the sinless one

Forgiveness of our sins, this

[Is] By [the] riches of His grace, bliss

This His grace to us He shares

Takes our sins and them He bears

Grace abounding rich and free

[His grace] Wise and prudent ever be


He has made known to us, we

Share in [the] revealed mystery

Of His will, \'tis in accord

With His good pleasure, the Lord

This His purpose, \'tis His own

To gather all things, atone

Through Christ gather all in one

All [that is] in heaven, [and in the] earth, in the Son