
When a Boy Breaks Your Heart for The First Time

When a boy breaks your heart for the first time

It will feel like your skin is ripping apart

And you don’t know how to make it stop

When a boy breaks your heart for the first time

It will feel like you are a chair that everyone keeps sitting on

When a boy breaks your heart for the first time

Your ceiling will become your best friend

Because you no longer have a best friend

You will count the tiles he walked on as he walked out the door

You will count the number of memories you have

And play them hour after hour to make sure you never forget

You will feel so numb you won’t know if the pain is real or not

When a boy breaks your heart for the first time

You will try to look your best to make him feel shitty

But instead you’ll end up pissing yourself off because he looks better




Every name he has ever called you will latch onto your brain

When a boy breaks your heart for the first time

The knots in your hair will make its way into your stomach

And the rain on your window will make a home in your eyes

All the pain and suffering will be alive and well in your bedroom

And you’ll meet the worst version of yourself

Hello how are you

Hello i want to kill myself

That sounds like a good idea

When a boy breaks your heart for the first time you will know what it is like to feel dead and alive all at once

after months of fighting your own demons

You will finally learn that no boy can ever love you the way your mother loves you

You will learn that loneliness isn\'t cured by the first boy you meet in gym class

You will learn that loving yourself is the best anniversary gift you could ever get

You will learn that sewing the pieces back together of what was left over will be worth it

You will lean that when someone breaks your heart you’re allowed to not be okay

When a boy breaks your heart for the first time it will be one of the biggest blessings you could ever receive

Don’t let the smell of death ruin the beautiful moments that lie ahead for you

You will taste all your sorrows but try to keep yourself from swallowing it

You will be happy again i promise