Accidental Poet

Déjà Vu

Deja Vu


On the pages of my mind

I bring the past alive

A stroll down memory lane

To help treasured memories survive


Following forgotten footsteps

Through an open door

To a place so familiar

I’m inclined to restore


Trying to recall

The why, when and where

Just what lead up to

My being there


A memory just out of reach

Think, think, think

No matter how much I try

My brain out of sync


A memory so vague

I barely remember

Elusive details

I’m trying to render


Was it something I said

Or something I heard

Something there I’m certain

Something I value for sure


But what if

A memory of much more

Something else

Just beyond that door


Possibly in a previous life

A life I once knew

Prompting this feeling now of

Déjà vu


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2015