
Glory Greatness

Tune: Ye Banks and Braes

(\'We cannot measure how you heal\')

Psalm 77 v.11-20


I will remember of the LORD

His works true and His living word

Surely recall wonders of old

That He has done, that have been told

Your way, O God, it is found in

The sanctuary, yes there within

And who so great a God as you

We here your holy way pursue


You are the God who wonders do

Have shown your strength, and do renew

Your people, keep them as you sheep

Through pathways smooth, rugged, or steep

You have with your arm redeemed sure

Your people Israel evermore

Sons of Jacob and Joseph, they

Do follow you and watch and pray


The waters, O God, you they saw

And they were there affrighted sore

The depths too, troubled at you sight

You, Lord of power,  wisdom, might

The clouds poured water on the earth

The skies did thunder, sound their worth

Your arrows of lightning went forth

Spread o\'er the land, east, west, south, north


The earth trembled at such a scene

Your greatness shown, not small or mean

Your way, O LORD, is in the sea

Your path in the great waters be

And your footsteps, they are not known

Cannot to humans full be shown

Your people like a flock you led

Moses and Aaron at their head