
I Feel Better

I feel better when,

I wake up refreshed.

Grateful for the day,

After blissful rest.


Knowing that I,

Didn’t waste time,

Trying to clean up,

The not-cleanable slime.


Grateful that I,

Learned a great lesson.

Friend poets like you here,

Are truly a blessing.


Happy to know,

That when some cry wolf,

Their true colors come thru,

As a result of the truth.


So, yes, I feel great!

For each bright, new day.

To write down in poetry,

What’s on my mind, to say.


Putting into words,

Good things and what bothers,

Dedicated to do so,

Without harm to others.


But, there are those,

Tried to trouble my mind.

I will defend myself,

In a few of my lines.


Feeling once again better,

The truth is just that,

Never making of myself,

Someone’s welcome mat.