Tia Davis/テイア

Stay Just Stay

I love my grandmother so much
I love it when I felt her touch
Her cold fingers against my skin
Makes me feel like Im swaying in the wind

The red ribbon upon her head 

Blow into my hands
I squeeze it so tightly
Never to let go
I don\'t want her to let go
Stay with me
I beg you to never let go of me
Of the love that we have between us
The ribbon that ties our hearts together
Never to go never to pass
Stay with me
I wanna make this last
Stay please stay
I see you fading everyday
The more you fade the more I pray please
Please don\'t go away
Just stay
I love my grandmother so much


Copyright ©2019
Tia Davis.All Rights Reserved.
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All my poetry is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
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Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3),Tia Davis.