
Walking in Space.

There before us stood the moor,

So many colours adorned this green sward.

Natures colours, all around us,

As we trod her path up the hill.

The flowers of yellow abound,

The brown twigs of heather,

Too early for their purple haze.

The white of the sheep,

Grazing gently.

The young, their tails wagging,

As they feed from their mothers,

Then bounding away,

Skipping and jumping in gay abandon.

On we walk and nearing the top,

We look down at the water,

Cutting a gentle path through the valley,

The reeds gently moving

To the time of the river’s flow.

We look all around,

This beauty is surrounding us.

We are alone in natures world,

Nobody else to be seen,

Just us and nature.

The silence occasionally broken

By the plaintiff cry of a curlew,

Or the sound of a buzzard

Circling way above us.

So much space,

Our private world,

Where we will walk on together,

Over the hill,

Towards eternity.