Tune: Binchester
(\'Happy are they, the that love God\')
Matthew 20 v.20-28
1. Here James and John, disciples two
Did to Jesus ensue
And their mother brought her request
Desiring high bequest
2. For grant to my sons, was her plea
That they should highest be
At Christ\'s right hand and at His left
To work some favour deft
3. Then did Christ ask, this be the cup
Could they then with Him sup?
The cup of suffering to drink
What of it did they think?
4. Yes, yes, we can, able we be
We can drink of it, see
Christ says, You shall it drink indeed
Though courage they would need
5. Yet on my right, and my left hand
You true must understand
\'Tis not mine to give, I cannot
Appoint, \'tis my Father\'s lot
6. Then indignant, pressing for place
Others must not lose face
So there the ten disciples were
Discordant strife did stir
7. No, no, Christ said, this not the way
Wherein true greatness lay
Worldly pride rules in hierarchy
Though this not my way be
8. For whoever would be great, learn
To minister\'s tasks turn
And whoever chief ones would be
Let them serve humbly, free
9. Even as I, Son of man came
Christ Jesus be my name
Came not to be ministered to
But to minister to you
10. To give His life, to lowly serve
High honour now deserve[s]
Life given, ransom for many
Our true Redeemer He