
Twenty four of darkness....

 I have worn a blindfold and hood

for the last 24 hours, I was asked by a

friend to do it and write a poem of how I 

felt.... I cannot describe how hard it was

but pails into insignificance to what those

that have to live with this.......


 Twenty four of darkness


I took upon myself to wear,
The shoes of someone else.
To view without a view,
No sight to see but blackboard light.
From first call, to last fall,
No every day pictures seen.
After the first five minutes,
It seemed an impossible task.
This bedroom to bathroom,
A journey of dread.
So many bangs and bruises,
From such a short walk.
Relying on a lovers grace,
To read, to write, to clean my face.
Even eating can be a massive challenge,
Too many times the fork would stab my nose.
My thoughts no more even,
than my unbalance.
I listened to my well played song,
Tears and emotions took me along.
I now feel this terrible Affliction, but for just this single day.
For others this would be no different, with or without a mask.
Never again will I miss use, or waste this valuable time..
Oh release the light, throw open the door,
For the darkness has now no....hold.