Ruth Fadairo


i\'ve noticed the way you look at her,
the same way you used to look at me..
those unexpected glances,
when your eyes met mine.


yet those lightning bolts of our lust,
now interrupted all because,
you\'ve found that spark in,


it\'s crazy how quickly life can divert,
180 degrees.


you\'ve carved out the skin,
that protected my heart.
now there rests a hole,
that once upon a time
my merry heart laid

you broke into my rib cage and,
you uprooted my heart.
you\'ve splattered it across the floor,
stomped upon it,
as though it was a song and dance.

yet i refuse to be bitter
so here\'s my prayer for you:
i hope you\'re happy with her,
oh boy i really do



- for she can never and will never love you the way i do
