
The Undarkened House.

I rise before dawn,

The new day to start.

I creep downstairs silently ,

Trying not to disturb the wife,

Counting each stair

Until I reach thirteen,

And know I am at the bottom.

No lights do I switch on,

The dark surrounds me,

And I know my way.

I open the living room door

The brightness attacks me

From every corner!

The brightest being the laser blue light

Coming from the telephone,

Then there is the light from the stereo,

Showing me the time and the way

Into the dining room and kitchen.

Where the light from cooker

Microwave and coffee maker

And another beam from another ‘phone

Allow me to see.

The light from the radio

Again telling me the time.

My laptop on the table

With lights shining from the switch.

I turn the laptop on

And am bombarded with brightness

From the screen.

I click on my iPhone

To check for messages

And the brightness is so intense

That the sunglasses have go on.

So I sit hear writing these words,

Able to see my way through them,

Without turning on the lights.