P.X. Vexxus

City of Angels

A city of angels lies within a majestic cloud of honor

Where graceful melodies spread wings of boundless valor

Protecting the innocent with their pure love and devotion

Bringing divine judgment on those who pour blood in the ocean

Hearts untainted, undisputed golden emotion

Eyes brighter than the sky, more blue than ice frozen

An explosion of passion erupts from their arms with a vigorous intensity

Shining with an exposed brilliance projecting immense fate and destiny

With unjust laws the tainted humans tear apart a once beautiful land

Building mountains of unspeakable evil, turning corruption into wastelands

Weapons of horrific power rip the stained ground asunder

Entire species erased from the world like ashes from thunder


Castles of merciless destruction defend the dirty

While armies of vengeance march as if they are unworthy

They tremble and shake, shatter they break

Many lives crumble beneath the lies of a fake

The world falls to darkness, a swirling cloud of evil and hate

Demons born from malice, claws soaked they annihilate

Targeting the weak, they kill, they maim, mutilate

The angels descend, wings unfurled, they radiate

The radiant beings engage the demons, enter the fray

Putting their immortality aside, protecting the slain

They restore peace and harmony, return law and order

They defeat the demons and purify the ruby water


With glorious majesty they fly unto the heavens

Taking the selfless with them, giving their blessings

The dishonest were cursed, tossed into an everlasting descent

Doomed to absorb the suffering of all those they had oppressed