

Hidden behind a smile
Is a soul desperate and lost
A strong persona
To cover a weak mind
This facade used to trick loved ones
To make everything seem ok
When in reality on the inside she\'s crying for help
But to scared to ask for help
What to do when the thoughts in your head
Are in a constant state of fear believing that no one can hear
The cries for help
So when she is around someone
She feels like she has to hide the truth
For if someone sees
Everything will come crashing down
If they see how she really is
She fears they will leave her
Like most before have done
Or that they will ridicule her
So she acts like everything is ok
Then when she is alone
The thoughts in her head
Start to point every little thing she did wrong
Every detail crushes her spirit a little more
She tries to stay positive
Tries to convince herself that she is all together
When in reality she is falling apart
So she smiles