
Cooling Comforts

Tune: Everlasting Love

(\'Loved with everlasting love\')

The last two lines of each verse are repeated.


Come to us, balm in the heat

Lord, we worship at your feet

Or where cold, come warm our heart

That we serve in every part 

You, our Lord of life and grace

Salvation for every race

You achieved, made possible   )

Help us trust you, one and all  ) (x2)


For you us made not bereft

But promise made when you left

Of the Spirit, Comforter

He would strengthen, solace, stir

Such your people, that they may

Be empowered night and day

Not hope in our strength alone )

But in you who do atone          ) (x2)


Come to us, inspire where tired

That we with your Spirit fired

Be renewed, refreshed, upbuilt

Though like flowers, humans wilt

Yet this treasure placed within 

Helps us, guides us, guards from sin

Saved by you now, such are blest )

Enter your covenant rest              ) (x2)


Peace abiding in our soul

Changed more to your image whole

Daily walk, whate\'er we face

Grant we go at steady pace

Growing in love, mercies sweet

Your presence in us, we greet

Heavenly guest, remain e\'ermore )

And e\'en to the eternal shore       ) (x2)