Joel Carpenter

Nicotine Testicles

I shut the shades
Threw off my pants
slapped a nicotine patch
On each testicle 
Turned on the tube
watched National Geographic 
Lions fucking
and killing
Lions and their young 
The female lions brought home food
for their men
I liked that. 
i felt like the lion
waiting for my women to bring back Pad Thai 
I had to piss
I got up
And knocked over the t.v tray 
Wine, wine, wine,
beer, wine
No booze money left
I had to make it count
I bent over with a straw
And got what I could off the floor  
sucking in muddy paw print residue
it tasted like a dusty floor dirt surprise
With a hint of old dog urine  
but then i remembered
That wasn’t the dogs urine  
I was drunk enough to
enjoy myself
Until my girl walked in.
I was naked 
Balls swinging between my legs
two nicotine patches attached too them
My ass perched in the air
And my face on the floor 
Sucking up the wine and beer
“ Honey,
come grab a straw”
I said,with a drunk grin

She didn\'t say a word 

just shut the door
and left
I never saw her again  
and she didn\'t care

to leave the
Pad Thai


Poem by Joel Carpenter.