
The Art of Living

To who it may concern,

Life is temporary and death is necessary. However, you should not live just to die.

We need to live for the simplest things that make us feel so intensely. 

Live for the way he says your name and live for the way her heartbeat 

mimics all of your favorite songs. Live for the heartbreaks and for 

the healing that follows, there will always be healing. Live for the 

hate that you hold for those who have done you so dirty. And live

to learn to let it go, to find relief when you are able to forget it.

Hate does nothing but weigh you down. Live for the way tea tastes

early in the morning but also for the rush coffee gives in the middle

of an endless night. Live for the drunken talks at 3 a.m. with the boy

who may never love you back but do not forget about all of those who

you were incapable of returning love to; live for them too. 

Create all of the memories that those on their deathbeds regret

not sculpting themselves. Live to love, not to create some 

metaphorical \"mark\" on the world that will eventually fade 

anyway. Live to make the world a little more beautiful. Do not

live to make yourself a little more beautiful to the world, that

with patience, will come on its own.